The Xplico Interface is developed in PHP and it is based to CakePHP framework.
This interface can use or SQLite database or MySQL database, at the moment only SQLite dispatcher is completed and tested in Xplico decoder.
MySQL database dispatcher and XI configuration file for MySQL can be obtained here.
You can obtain the last source code from one of this site:
The installation is made automatically by following the directions given here.
All PHP code and the root source of XI can be found in /opt/xplico/xi directory.
You have to change the access permissions of this two directories:
The Apache user must have read and write access to /opt/xplico/cfg
An example file of Apache configuration can be found in /opt/xplico/cfg/apache_xi
The main features of the configuration files are:
To be able to upload large pcap file you have to change post_max_size and upload_max_filesize values in php.ini file:
Enable proxy in Firefox. The proxy IP is the IP of machine where you have installed Xplico and port is 80 or 9876 (Apache port definned in the configuration file). The url to view Xplico Interface is: http://IP:port. If you use the machine name and not IP it is possible that you don't enter in Web Interface.
The default username and password are:
The default admin username and password are: