From release 0.6.2 there is a new tool to facilitate the creation of new case and/or new session from command line. This tool is compatible with the SQLite and MySQL DB (lite and ximysql dispatchers and XI). The tool path is /opt/xplico/script/session_mng.pyc and its use is very simple.
To create a new case named 'AP home' with one session named 'April' the command is:
/opt/xplico/script/session_mng.pyc -n "AP home" "April"
the output give you the case ID (necessary to add new sessions) and the path where copy/upload your pcap file for this new session. Example output:
Case ID: 1 Put the pcap files here: /opt/xplico/pol_1/sol_1/new
To add a new session named 'May' in a case with ID 1 the command is:
/opt/xplico/script/session_mng.pyc -a 1 "May"
Again the output give you the path where copy/upload your pcap file for this new session.
If you develop a new protocol dissector and you define a new PEI for your dissector, then you can add your own protocol directory output (used by dispatchers and XI) in the session_mng.pyc configuration file. This file is /opt/xplico/cfg/sol_subdir.cfg (from source code: system/script/sol_subdir.cfg). sol_subdir.cfg example:
# Every line of this file is the name of a direcory in session (sol) directory. # A comment must start with '#', as this line! http mail ftp ipp pjl mms gea tftp dns nntp fbwchat telnet webmail httpfile grbtcp grbudp rtp sip irc paltalk_exp paltalk msn webmsn