For creating a .deb package for Xplico, follow these instructions:

1º) Download the source code


(Choose i.e. xplico-0.5.4.tgz or later)

2º) Untar it

# tar xvfz xplico-0.5.4.tgz
# cd xplico

3º) Install these tools

# apt-get install devscripts build-essential dpkg-dev dh-make debhelper fakeroot

4º) If you need to change the version number, edit this file following the existent syntax.

# nano debian/changelog

5º) Create the package

# dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

6º) check the package for any error:

# lintian ../xplico-0.5.4.deb

If you have any question, you can use Xplico's forum

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