Xplico use source code, libraries, database and applications of other projects, some of those are inside Xplico code but other no, therefore to build Xplico (system) with all features it is necessary download (compile/install) these software:
The optionals software are necessary if you want the geographical and temporal visualizations of connections (GeoIP C API & GeoLite City), or if you want reconstruct document printed with network printer (GhostPCL), or if you want decode VoIP based on RTP (videosnarf).
Xplico code depends of these libraries:
Xplico depends also by these applications:
In this section4) we describe the steps to compile and install (if you want) Xplico. Some steps are optionals and depends of the features that you decide to use.
tar -xzvf xplico-xxxx.tgz
svn co https://svn.ntop.org/svn/ntop/trunk/nDPI cd nDPI ./configure --with-pic make
No need to install nDPI.
make install